
​VDA HUB - ​Government/Legislative

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Take Action to Support Better Dental Benefits

We are actively fundraising from State Associations, aligned dental organizations, and individual dentists to get the Vote Yes on Question 2 message out to the voters of Massachusetts. 
The Vote Yes on Question 2 campaign would:

  • Assures patient dollars are spent on patient care
  • Increases transparency and accountability of dental insurer spending
  • Requires refunds if premium spending standards are not met
  • Places limits on premium increases

Find out more, visit, or via this episode of ADPAC’s podcast, Tooth Talk.
We are actively fundraising from State Associations, aligned dental organizations, and individual dentists to get the Vote Yes on Question 2 message out to the voters of Massachusetts. 
It will take all of us- can you help by donating now?

 vote yes

> Watch to Learn More