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ADA FDC 2020 to move online in light of COVID-19 pandemic

  • ADA News
The American Dental Association and Florida Dental Association have decided not to move forward with the ADA FDC Annual Meeting as an in-person convention in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ADA Board of Trustees voted June 12 to cancel the in-person gathering. The associations are exploring virtual options for the meeting and will share more information as it becomes available.

"It was a difficult discussion, but our members and their concerns are our first priority. The health and safety of our dental family is at the heart of this decision," said Dr. Nan Tertel, general chair of ADA FDC 2020. "We look forward to virtual possibilities in 2020 and meeting face to face in Las Vegas 2021."

The ADA and FDA made their decision based on extensive research, careful deliberation and feedback from their members and past meeting attendees, according to emails the ADA FDC 2020 team sent to ADA members and meeting attendees. The annual meeting originally was planned for Oct. 15-18 in Orlando, Florida.

"As a science-based organization, the health, safety, and well-being of our members, attendees, staff, and exhibitors are our top priorities," the team said in the emails. "The pandemic has made a significant impact on our profession and communities; however, we are certain that as we continue to stand with each of you — shifting our focus to recovery and getting back to work — we will come out of this stronger together."

The associations previously postponed meeting registration, which originally was scheduled to open in April.

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