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2024 VDA Referral Book Released

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VA Board of Dentistry Amends DEA Registration Requirement

This past July, a Petition for Rulemaking was submitted to the Board of Dentistry requesting that they eliminate the requirement for posting of a copy of a dentist’s registration issued by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to avoid opportunity for individuals to use the DEA number for illegal purposes.  This Petition was considered by the Board at its meeting on September 16, 2016 and they decided to initiate rulemaking to amend the requirement for posting of a dentist’s DEA registration.  The amendment will require a dentist to maintain a copy of the DEA registration in a readily retrievable manner at each practice location. While the amendment will be submitted as a "fast-track” action, it is likely that the regulatory process will take several months before it becomes final.  The Board indicated that they will notify licensees when the amended regulation is effective.  Until the effective date for this amendment, all licensees must still post the DEA registration as required in the current regulations.  You may click here for more information on this petition.