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2024 VDA Referral Book Released

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VDA Legislative Alert: Positive News, Contact Your Legislator Today!

The VDA is at work for YOU!

Positive News - Contact Your Legislator Today!Great news!

The Non-Covered Services legislation (HB16) passed out of the House Commerce & Labor Committee this afternoon 21-0, however; our work is far from over as the Health Plans & Anthem spoke against our bill and tried to have an amendment attached to it.  With that in mind, we need you to contact your House of Delegates member today with the below message.  Please feel free to personalize your message but keep the comments the same.  It is important you do this no later than next Monday, January 25th, and preferably over this upcoming weekend.   For a listing of contact information for members of the House of Delegates, click HERE.  If you do not know who your Delegate is, you can find out by clicking HERE.
Thank you very much for your help in these important efforts!

Dear Delegate <Your Delegate's Last Name HERE>:
·         PLEASE VOTE YES.  HB 16 (Ware) passed out of the Commerce & Labor Committee 21-0 on Thursday afternoon and will be coming to the House Floor for a vote next week.  I ask that you please vote YES for this common sense measure that simply says that reimbursement must be reasonable and not nominal in order for a health plan to call a service “covered.”  In other words, a dental plan cannot call a service covered, thereby dictating the fee, by reimbursing at 5 or 10% -- this is called a “de minimus clause.”  There have been examples of dental plans covering only a small percentage of specific procedures – to effectively skirt the law and disingenuously claim it is covered.  This simple bill closes that loophole.

·          There will be two small amendments on which to VOTE YES:

o   #1 - Accept a line amendment Delta Dental requested that has kept them from opposing this issue.

o   #2 - Accept a line/technical amendment offered by the State Corporation Commission.

·         DO NOT ACCEPT ANY AMENDMENT that attempts to redefine what is and is not a covered service.  
Thank you,

<Your signature HERE>