12/17/20: VDH Expert Panel for Clinician/Physician Community – The Covid-19 Vaccine-Facts not Fear

Thursday, December 17th, 7pm-8pm

Dial In: +1-408-418-9388,,1329009829## Panel Link: Click Here to Join 

If you aren’t able to attend, a recording and additional information about the COVID-19 vaccine and Virginia’s plan for distribution will be available at https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/covid-19-vaccine/healthcare-professionals/

Moderator: Dr Lisa Ellis, MACP, Associate Professor of Medicine, VCU School of Medicine Expert Panel: 

  • Dr Lilian Peake, Director of Epidemiology, Virginia Department of Health 
  • Dr Costi Sifri, Professor of Medicine and Director of Hospital Epidemiology, UVA Health, Division of Infectious Diseases, Co-Chair, Virginia VAW Safety and Efficacy Subgroup 
  • Dr Richard Wenzel, Emeritus Chair and Professor Medicine, VCU School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Editor-at-Large, NEJM